“Stop breaking up with your partner just because they are ace uwu uwu uwu oowoo”
Look Barbara, maybe you’ve never heard someone tell you “no” before but….people are allowed to leave you. People are allowed to break up with you.
Like it or not, some people need sex as part of their relationship. It’s not “bad” or “shameful”. People have sex drives! People get horny! Sex is just how some people like to bond.
I’m not saying they should force you into it. That’s COMPLETELY unacceptable. But if you don’t like having sex and your partner does, that’s kind of a conflict of interest so they have every right to leave you. Neither of your needs are being met, so what’s the point?
EVERYONE has different relationship needs. Some people only like romantic candlelit dinners, some people prefer to go to bars and then grab some McDonalds. Some people are strictly monogamous, and some people are polyamorous. Some people are physically affectionate, some people aren’t. Some people want kids, other people dont. Some people have a need for sex, and other people don’t want it!
Neither you or your “allosexual” partner are in the wrong, your needs just don’t match up! If your partner isn’t happy with you, they have every right to leave and be with someone that they can work with better, and you can find a partner that suits your needs better too!
Besides, guilt tripping people into staying in relationships they aren’t happy with can quickly turn into abuse.