


quirks manifest until 4 years old

so that means tokoyami could’ve not born with a bird head

which means that tokoyami at some point fuckin animorphed into a bird

No, all quirks are expected to have manifested by age 4. The first kid with a quirk, the glowing baby, was definitely glowing the day they were born.

I suspect that most major physical quirks are present from birth, while quirks that require conscious activation don’t get turned on until the kid figures out how to turn them on.

But that does still leave the question of when Dark Shadow showed up. Like, he’s not a thing that can be turned off, he’s always there, so was he present from birth? Or from the first time Tokoyami cast a shadow anyway?

“Congratulations ma’am it appears to be twins? Somehow? One of them has a bird for a head and the other appears to be some kind of incorporeal avatar of terror and/or despair. Both appear to be healthy as far as we can tell but honestly we’re all a little freaked out right now and it keeps biting the nurses.”
