Walmart shoppers drew their own handguns during Colorado shooting
shoppers’ immediate response to the violent event ‘absolutely slowed’
investigation as it left authorities scanning through surveillance tapes
in pursuit of the single armed attacker.The
few innocent yet armed individuals were eventually weeded out as
suspects, amid the several hour-long investigation which began Wednesday
night and into Thursday morning.A
police spokesperson confirmed after the building had been deemed ‘safe
enough’ to enter, officials quickly began examining footage from inside
the supermarket, according to The Denver Post.‘That’s
when we started noticing that a number of individuals had pulled
weapons,’ said Victor Avila, who works in part for the Thornton Police
Department.‘At that point, as soon as
you see that, that’s the one you try to trace through the store, only to
maybe find out that’s not him, and we’re back to ground zero again,
starting to look again. That’s what led to the extended time.‘”Oh! Oh, do I understand correctly that none of these innocent yet armed individuals went on to shoot the actual shooter? I feel faint with surprise
I am shocked. Stunned even. You mean all of those good guys with a gun didn’t do a damned thing. Quick, I need my smelling salts.
Oh but they COULD have done something!!! They VERY EASILY could have mistaken EACH OTHER as the Active Shooter and started a full blown firefight AMONGST THEMSELVES/Arriving Police.
The longer this infantile attidute about guns persists? The more shit like this is gonna happen and, INEVITABLY, SOMBODIE is going to pull a trigger. Then? Once THAT kind of adrenaline fueled/panic stricken shit STARTS? Luck/Fate will be the ONLY thing that determines who/how many get hurt or die.
You mean to tell me that not only did these people with guns not instantly fix the situation like the NRA and Rupublicans love to say they would, but they actually made it worse and weren’t American heroes ? NO WAY!