things I have seen called pedophilia on this hellsite with my own two eyes
– a relationship between two adults with the youngest being 25
– a high school senior dating a high school junior
– a college senior being sexually interested in a college freshman
– size difference fetish art featuring two adult characters
– consenting adults engaging in kink with other consenting adults
– writing about 2 teenagers of similar ages having sex
– shipping characters with vaguely defined ages who are treated as adults in canon
telling kids that asexuality exists
– sex education
like, I shouldn’t have to ask myself if the person being accused of pedophilia is an actual child molester or if they reblog shippy vo|tron fanart
Antis: Why do people hate us for not liking pedophilia :////
Also Antis:*call out everything under the sun that isn’t pedophilia as pedophilia and then wonder why the fuck nobody takes pedophilia claims seriously anymore*
I wrote this post on September 4th, 2017. It only took a month. (From that point on.)
False callout posts get hundreds if not thousands of notes (albeit at least half of them confused or rejecting the accusations), while posts trying to draw attention to individuals that might pose actual danger go ignored.
There’s something demonstrably harmful to minors and adults alike, especially to victims/survivors – it’s how much of a rhetorical nightmare shipping discourse is, and how much it actually desensitizes people to the subjects in question. You do not want people to become callous and dismissive, but the individuals continuously fabricating accusations, watering down definitions, making completely outrageous claims, and concentrating their opportunistic activism on ‘problematic content’ do everything possible to erode the patience, understanding, sympathy and empathy of the people around them.
Please, please stop trying to sell your ship wars as literally anything else. You’re doing more damage than any piece of fiction possibly could. This is how you are affecting reality, and the effect your actions have is unquestionably bad.
You have to start taking these subjects seriously again. You absolutely have to. When you’re not using certain terms correctly, you’re not respecting their meaning, and you don’t take what they stand for seriously enough, because in your mind the definition can be changed or applied to different things.
Shipping that deals with entirely fictional characters is inconsequential and amoral in every possible instance. This applies to drawn and written works, as well. Fictional characters aren’t real people. Real people law doesn’t apply to them. You need to understand this.
Here’s an example: Shipping entirely fictional characters -> creates no discomfort for the characters involved, because they are not real; the effect it has on you as a person is your responsibility
Creating/consuming explicit/mature content of entirely fictional characters -> creates no discomfort for the characters involved, because they are not real; the effect it has on you as a person is yourresponsibility
I’m talking about entirely fictional characters. This excludes the shipping of real people – actual living and breathing human people. Not historical figures. People that are alive today. A person. (We still know what a person is, right?) The shipping of real people is a different subject entirely, and it should be approached differently. Still not a crime. Just different.
The bottom line is: Stop treating fictional characters like real people. Stop implying that shipping ‘matters’. Stop involving serious subjects to give your anti-ship arguments more weight and meaning. It’s just a ship. Calm down. Stop claiming that fiction has a direct, constant, measurable effect on reality. (It has an effect, but not like you think it does.) Stop saying “This is abuse/incest/pedophilia/etc” when you really want to say “I don’t like it”.
hey so I have to hear about actual cases of child sexual abuse pretty often in my work and it tears at my heart and accusations of paedophilia over depictions of fictional characters infuriate me, especially if people take them so far that they waste law enforcement time and resources that could have been spent investigating actual crimes in which a real live human child was harmed.
False callout posts get hundreds if not thousands of notes (albeit at least half of them confused or rejecting the accusations), while posts trying to draw attention to individuals that might pose actual danger go ignored.
I’ve seen survivors writing and being told they “write like pedophiles” and be retraumatized by antis a hell of a lot more often than I’ve seen fictional ships actually hurt people.
Blacklist exists. Block your triggers. Block your squicks. Save your pitchforks for actual abusers and people who actually hurt children. There are plenty of valid targets out there. Save your high horse for the places you can actually do some good.
There are a ton of genres I don’t read, lots of tags I just skip. It’s okay to curate your own media consumption. You don’t have to finish everything you start.
I have literally walked away from fics that hit my squick spot two chapters in within the last 24 hours.