i got taurrius (taurus + hope + derse) btw
idk if i agree with it but whatever
Just another WordPress site
i got taurrius (taurus + hope + derse) btw
idk if i agree with it but whatever
i thought of a joke about the extended zodiac but i cant make the post until i finish work >:/
Customers who get angry when I read them their total cost are so compelling to me. Take charge of your narrative, Janice. Be the hero of your own story. You are the one who is purchasing $113.67 worth of adult zen coloring books, Janice. It’s not me you hate, Janice. It’s not me.
why didnt hussie make a full 365 zodiacs, one for every day of the year
isn’t rick and morty that thing you get when you die and your body gets all stiff
No, thats rigor mortis
rick and morty is a type of tube-shaped pasta
You’re thinking of rigatoni
rick and morty is a numbering system that ranks earthquakes based on seismograph oscillations
no, youre thinking of richter scale.
rick and morty is the pixar movie about a rat who wants to learn how to cook among humans
nah, thats ratatouille
rick and morty is the rich kid from fairly odd parents
That’s Remy Buxaplenty,
Rick and Morty is when you send somone a link or a video and “Never Give You Up” plays
you’re thinking of Rickrolling
Rick and Morty is the 1893 short story by Rudyard Kipling about a young mongoose
no, that’s Rikki Tikki Tavi…
Rick and Morty is a Latin-American pop star best known for “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
No, that’s Ricky Martin.
Rick and Morty is the packaged rice mix that comes in different flavors and is called “the San Francisco treat”.
No, that’s Rice a Roni
Rick and Morty is the term for a lengthy and complicated procedure
No, that’s a rigamarole.
Rick and Morty is a two or three-wheeled passenger cart.
anyone in this thread smoke weed
Old English just has some wonderful words and kennings. I mean, really:
Their word for sea? It was often swan-rad or “road of the swan.” Spider was gangelwaefre, literally “the walking weaver.” They had the simple and now-obsolete word uht, which describes that time just before sunrise when mist still hangs heavy over all the fields and lakes and the last few stars are still out.
…Also, they didn’t say body. They said ban-cofan, which means “bone-cave,” and if you don’t think that’s some hardcore shit right there then you need to get out of my face before I turn your skull into a mead-cup.
this is awesome!
In the commentary on his translation of Beowulf, Tolkien argues that translating ‘rád’ as ‘road’ in the context of kennings for the sea is incorrect. On the subject of ‘hronrád’, which is often translated as ‘whale-road’, he says:
“rád is the ancestor of our modern word ‘road’, but it does not mean ‘road’. Etymology is not a safe guide to sense. rád is the noun of action to rídan ‘ride’ and means riding – i.e. ‘riding on horseback; moving as a horse does (or a chariot), or as a ship does at anchor’; and hence ‘a journey in horseback’ (or more seldom by ship), ‘a course (however vagrant)’. It does not mean the actual ‘track’ – still less the hard paved permanent and more or less straight tracks that we associate with the ‘road’…The word as ‘kenning’ therefore means dolphin’s riding, i.e. in full, the watery fields where you can see dolphins and lesser members of the whale-tribe playing, or seeming to gallop like a line of riders on the plains. That is the picture and comparison the kenning was meant to evoke. It is not evoked by ‘whale road’ – which suggests a sort of semi-submarine steam-engine running along submerged metal rails over the Atlantic.”reblogging again for the comment
I hate the word “fanservice” because it can mean either “hey, we heard you chattering about that lore thing we started to do once but failed to deliver on so here, we put some thought into this update and included that and we hope you like it” or “for no immediate reason, we gave this character big round badonkers”
This is the reason hearing about “Darth Vader fanservice” when rogue one came out struck real fear into my heart
let Darth Vader have the big round badonkers he deserves