


As I understand it, the Order of Operations is as follows:

1. Focus on the Tax Bill. That’s happening this week. Shoot it down.

2. Immediately afterward, start promoting Doug Jones in Alabama and reminding everyone of Roy Moore’s problems. That election is on December 12.

3. In the meantime, Net Neutrality. The FCC votes on December 14th. Protest, boost, research, do whatever you can. 

I know #MeToo is important, I know Old Man Donald is still being a jerk, I know North Korea has a nuke, none of these are going to be dealt with before Christmas. There are three fronts to this fight: taxes, Alabama, FCC. These are the focal points. If we can win one of those, it’s going to have ramifications for the future. If we can win two, we’re in a pretty good place. We win all three, 2017 was a Good Year.


Doug Jones.



And then remind everyone to renew their healthcare. That deadline is December 15th.  

Yes that too