


Flash freezing some samples with liquid nitrogen!

wait. wait wait. they let you play with liquid nitrogen?

okay. here is a HILARIOUS thing you can do with liquid nitrogen and 1 or 2 bottles of shaving cream.

okay so step one is you dunk the shaving cream into the liquid nitrogen. completely submerge it and let it freeze. the shaving cream i mean. then take out the shaving cream. you probably don’t need me to tell you this but for other people, you want to use tongs and safety gloves so you don’t lose a hand or two doing this. now you have frozen shaving cream. what do you do with frozen shaving cream? well, first you have to peel off the canister so you have just the shaving cream floating free. you had to freeze it first so that it wouldn’t explode when you do this part. now you have a frozen brick (or two if you did two) of shaving cream. so what do we do now?

we put that shit inside someone’s car we hate and/or love to prank on.

as it warms, it will gradually expand to fill the entire vehicle.

oh god BLESS