



oh wow five years ago today the stylish but illegal monkey was found roaming around ikea in toronto…. now this is truly an iconic date in meme history

never forget

The Ikea Monkey is alive and well at a sanctuary in Ontario! He was only a baby when he was found clothes shopping in Ikea.

Name: Darwin, Japanese Macaque

Date of Birth: 2012

Arrival Date: December 10, 2012

Previous home details: Darwin
was born in Canada as part of the exotic pet trade in 2012, and had
lived in a family home in Toronto. He was found in an IKEA parking lot
in December 2012 after escaping from his owner’s car and was seized by
local authorities. A social media and worldwide news sensation, Darwin
has resided at SBFPS ever since.

Condition upon arrival: Darwin
had been imprinted by humans, which rarely bodes well for a monkey. He
was very insecure upon arrival, and needed to be the centre of
everyone’s attention. He was sheltered from the other monkeys until he
got used to his surroundings.

Progress: Since
his arrival Darwin has grown in strides – learning to be far more
monkey than human. He is grooming Sweet Pea, and calls to Julien and
Lexy – mimicking their vocalizations and learning how to speak macaque.
He has grown in size and confidence as well, and was slowly transitioned
towards having multiple caregivers who he can trust and love as his
‘troop’, as he had no real monkey mother to show him the ropes.

Personality Traits: Darwin
is a cheeky little guy, that’s for sure! He loves to play all day, and
is always bouncing off the walls with excitement, especially when his
favourite people come to visit! He loves to play tricks on you when
you’re not looking, like any adolescent!

Favourite Activity: Darwin
loves Curious George! He has a Curious George doll whom he takes to his
pool to give a bath, and grooms him and tries to get him to drink. He
also loves swinging on his fire hose.

Favourite Food: Darwin loves grapes, dates and cherries – but cherries definitely top the list!

Wish list from staff: Darwin can always use new and exciting toys, and he loves his fire hose swings and swimming in kiddie pools!

He loves Curious George thats so blasted gods damned CUTE I’m so glad he’s adjusting well to being a normal healthy monkey.