


This is so accurate it hurts.

Just to give you some idea how much jpeg compression this image has been through from how many time it’s been reposted, here is a much older version of the same file with most of the original coloring and line work intact:

You can tell from the different levels of compression damage that (I am girls) was added many iterations later.

And furthermore this is the image it was originally edited from:

I believe the original comic was created by tumblr user egobus and posted with the caption “character development”, but I can’t confirm it as their blog is now private after radfems screengrabbed the image with a few captions on it and presumably blogged about it until the artist got harassed into anonymity by people yelling about internalized misogyny vs. conforming to patriarchal expectations of femininity (if you’ve been on tumblr long enough, you probably remember the post in question).  The (I am girls) may have been added after the image was linked to a (now defunct?) subreddit, as it lines up with one of the comments there.  The image seems to have an ugly history of getting dragged through reddit, 2chan, and pinterest, so it’s hard to trace.

But yeah tl;dr that’s what too much jpeg compression looks like.