National Butterfly Center Sues Trump Administration Over Border Wall
National Butterfly Center Sues Trump Administration Over Border Wall
“How can we make this border wall idea even less palatable to the public?”
“Bulldoze the butterfly sanctuary!”
“Brilliant! Just one problem: I know it has ‘national’ in the name, but it’s private property.”
“Screw it. Send in the chainsaws and we’ll ask forgiveness later.”
yes i’m a millennial cowboy. yes the spurs on my boots are fidget spinners
The Cutting Room Floor is one of the most interesting and fucking hilarious places on the internet.
Look into any shitty game and you’ll probably see a little present left behind by a stressed-out, probably-underpaid dev.
But one of my favourites is definitely the windows port of the spider-man game for the playstation
And the unfortunate things left over in a shitty Game Boy Color game called DynaMike.
That’s right. We have the porn sites he was looking at while making the game, fully intact in the cartridge.
Personal fave
how is hello hacker fucker not already in this post
Witch tips without warnings just keep popping up . . .
Hey kids,
Before you rub an unknown thing on your skin, ingest an unfamiliar thing, light a random recommendation from the internet on fire, or otherwise come in contact with something that you are not personally knowledgeable about, take 2 seconds and google it.
For example:
- St. Johns Wort, if ingested, has negative interactions with anti-depressants, and interferes with birth control because it speeds up the metabolism of certain substances.
- Continuous exposure to fluorite causes a painful bone disease. Fluorite dust can be absorbed through the lungs, skin, and is soluble in water.
- There are parts of yew that should not be burned.
- Mugwort is related to ragweed and can cause allergic reactions. Also, it can cause and enhance anxiety.
- Essential oils, man …
No, really. 2 seconds. Google. You’re at an internet connected device anyway. Save yourself the trouble of a bad time.
Along with all the above warnings, I find myself telling people at least once a month that certain herbs will interact with your goddamn birth control.
And if you’re pregnant and want to stay that way, stay away from ingesting herbs all together, okay? Mugwort, especially, is Not Good For Pregnant People.
Herbs are not just magical components that only impact the spiritual realms; they’re medicinal and have a very real impact on the physical body. They interact with medications, change chemical balances, and can be seriously detrimental to your health if used improperly – and that means, as the OP said, ingested, inhaled, or applied topically. Please be safe.
Also, please don’t put malachite in your body.
the phrase “disney hit squad” is so scary because it lies exactly on the line between “something that would appear in a comedy film” and “something i can imagine reading about in a news article followed by it being swept under the rug a week and a half later by unseen forces”
Is this peak russian cat?
A cat write this.
the absolute ledge