there’s a video of this guy having a seizure in VRChat and everyone around him is trying to help him and it’s just such a video. It’s a video of all time. Guy in a Morty avatar from rick and morty telling people to not crowd around this guy having a seizure. The idea of this guy coming back from his seizure, putting the headset back on to see a model of Phil Margera in his underwear from Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 staring down at him. Staggering
kotaku wrote an article about it and interviewed the guy who had a seizure and it is. Man
“I honestly don’t remember a lot of it,” that robot, who did not want us to use his real name but goes by DrunkenUnicyclist, told me over the phone this afternoon. “I do remember feeling cold all the sudden. After that, I woke up and I was on the floor. I could hear these voices.” DrunkenUnicyclist added that he has had a seizure in the past, when he was five, although he says he doesn’t suffer from epilepsy or any other condition that might have caused this.
After a long pause, DrunkenUnicyclist responded that he was okay. Suddenly, VR Chat’s community got serious. Everybody immediately urged him to drink water, and call somebody who could help. Some players told DrunkenUnicyclist to seek medical attention, although, as of this article’s publication, DrunkenUnicyclist says he has not seen a doctor. Someone told a Ugandan Knuckles avatar to shut up. When an avatar of a fat man in a diaper begins to repeatedly sit on the robot, players chastise him.
“Please, stop, this is actually really serious,” snapped a player.
“The entire community is coming together for the betterment of this person. Don’t be that one guy,” said Morty, making gestures with his motion-tracked hands.
the future of gaming is like nothing we could have possibly imagined