

ok like y’all know I love plant mutations and love reading about them but a few days ago I was reading a book on corn mutants at 4am and I found out about glow corn and still haven’t recovered

1. this isn’t gmo. they didn’t intend for this to light up under UV light. it’s like. a casual genetic mutation on chromosome 9 that causes some chemicals to degrade improperly and the products just happen to glow

2. apparently like the tassels glow too but the seedlings only glow if the plants are homozygous recessive (if both parents pass on the glow gene)???

3. so far the words “May be detected by odor” referring to glowing corn is the most ominous sentence I’ve ever heard in a scientific context and also I have no idea what smell they’re referring to and somehow that makes it worse

4. i literally have so many unanswered questions like how did they find this??? do the ears glow too?? how bright is the glowing??? what do u mean the male flowers glow??? what smell and why does the corn smell???? how old do the plants have to be before they start glowing???? what’s happening…..what dimension am I in

also here’s the corn mutation book I got it from (doi:10.2135/1968.mutantsofmaize.c2)