Posted on January 25, 2018December 4, 2018 by astyrra_713s8o [Image: an alignments chart with two horizonal axes, Lawful-Chaotic and Disaster-Distinguished, and one vertical axis, Chad-Incel. Lawful (Disaster) Chad: Jake. Neutral (Functional) Chad: Sollux.] [Chaotic (Distinguished) Chad: Rufioh. Lawful (Disaster) Nice Guy: Cronus. Neutral (Functional) Nice Guy: Tavros. Chaotic (Distinguished) Nice Guy: Dirk. Lawful (Disaster) Incel: Kankri.] [Kankri is captioned “*technically voluntary*.” Neutral (Functional) Incel: Equius. Chaotic (Distinguished) Incel: Eridan. The last two images are white lines, so I can use their captions to write in] rhythmic-idealist: Hot New Take courtesy of yours truly and @fakelatula insp (@punkcandy)