Have you heard about the bee fences they’re using in certain parts of Africa and Asia to help protect elephants? Farmers like their crops with bee hives, and the noise/threat of being stung keeps the elephants away. So farmers aren’t having as much conflict with elephants, and they’re able to pollinate their crops and sell excess honey!! Your discussion about honey got me thinking about it, and I think it’s so cool!!!
Just had a little look into it now and holy shit that an amazing idea. Talk about two birds one stone.
Now they use African honey bees, which are way more aggressive then the European honey bee. So the elephants have a pretty good reason for being afraid of them.
Now if you’ve ever been around / in countries with elephants you’ll know, that they are pretty damn destructive. They’ll destroy whole structures, and you’re pretty powerless to stop them. So the use of these bee hive fences is ingenious, and something I’m going to have to read a lot more on.
These are what they look like btw:
This is cool as shit and i love how they’re standing fearless next to African killer bee hives
‘killer bees’ are only aggressive if you threaten their nest – which elephants do by accident, since they are stompy guys who knock shit over all the time. i’m so glad people are finding a solution that doesn’t involve violence. elephants don’t want to ruin your things, they’re just enormous and easily spooked.