Rabbit Emojis, rated





Vertical oval eyes.  Bloated cheeks.  Long, drooping whiskers.  None of this looks like a rabbit, and yet there’s really nothing else it could be.  3/10


Your basic cartoon bun.  Unambitiously drawn.  I don’t know if I’d watch his Saturday morning program, but I’d respect its existence. 7/10


Heavy black lines and oddly geometric construction.  This is a cold, unwelcoming rabbit, less the fluffy animal, more the abstract construction of Rabbitdom.  4/10


This is basically the Google one except he’s not having a good time.  5/10


A rabbity rabbit, more like the actual animal than any we’ve seen so far!  His expression is neutral, mildly anxious, as rabbits tend to be.  I could see myself giving him a gentle scritch on the forehead.  His eyes are in the wrong place, though.  8/10


This is what fighter pilots paint on their planes after shooting down a hostile rabbit.  5/10


This rabbit looks friendly, but… too friendly, you get me?  I feel like I’d tell him my problems but then I’d regret it.  6/10


This is a mouse. 8/10 because it’s a cute mouse.




I like this rabbit.  He’s a rebel.  So is the Emojidex rabbit, I suppose, but let’s face it, the Mozilla rabbit is a more palatable kind of rebel.  He wears a leather jacket.  His ears are bending to the side because he’s doing a sick turn on his motorcycle.  10/10

Please also rate the noto rabbit.

This is the Mozilla rabbit’s girlfriend.  She lets him think he’s the cool one, but only because everyone knows the truth.  Her ears are bending the other way because she’s sitting backwards on the motorcycle. 11/10