Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.TAURUS
If at first you don’t succeed, look around and find out who is trying to sabotage you with telepathic interference. It is someone you know.GEMINI
Look to the stars to see your future. Your future is matter violently disappearing into a widening void.CANCER
Confused? Not sure what life means? Irrational undirected hate can help.LEO
Have fun tonight pretending to be something or somebody you are not. In fact, have fun doing this every night of the year.VIRGO
Be careful what you wish for, because it probably won’t come true and life is mostly about expectation management.LIBRA
Treat others as you wish to be treated. Spy on others as you wish to be spied on. Conceal from others what you wish you never knew.SCORPIO
If you can’t say anything nice, you could say really awful things instead. It’s an option.SAGITTARIUS
Cybernetic replication is the sincerest form of flattery.CAPRICORN
There’s a monster under your bed. A monster at your window. A monster any place you imagine one. You project your monsters on the world.AQUARIUS
See? You never needed that wand or that cape. The power to feel unfocused shame and anxiety was within you this whole time.PISCES
Dare to dream.
Seriously. We dare you. Do it. It’ll be fine. Promise.