some more colour theory. colours are a pain in the ass because theyre all different.
like, no matter what you do, a shade of blue and a shade of yellow w/ the same computer brightness number, the blue is going to look darker. because blue is darker than yellow. (im talking like, dark blue here. not cyan. cyan is light)
the sun’s light is yellow, so yellow highlights + purple/blue shading tends to look more natural. but really do whatever you want i hate that one post that tells you what to shade colours with. that being said you should try to shade everything being lit w the same light the same colours, so they look like theyre in the same place
saturation for lights/shadows is. interesting. technically, for realism, highlights are less saturated and shadows are more saturated. BUT. the human eye, ur night vision can’t see colour. so if it’s that dark, it’s not saturated at all. also super saturated highlights are really fun imo.
yellow is a pain in the ass because it’s too light. when colouring a yellow thing u should suggest yellow rather than actually use it a lot. like, have a lot of yellowish brown, yellowish orange, etc, then use actual yellow less than with other colours, but in the most important spots if that makes sense?
green is like yellow but better kind of. again u should suggest green rather than actually use green that much. u can use more actual green than you can yellow though.
i love red brown and purple, they are my friends
blue is a pain in the ass to shade. god. i keep trying to shade with blue but blue on blue doesnt have a nice hue shift. and nothing is darker than blue so i cant really use anything else w/o it taking over. and when i highlight with yellow it just goes green. blue is great for highlights, contrast, very dark shadows tho. love blue. wish i could draw with it
anyway this is just my style, do whatever you want in your art, have fun, if it looks good rules dont matter