

airline customer service: hello this is SAS how can i help
me: ok so i booked a flight with you just now and i’d like to reserve a space for my pet in the cargo hold, i’m bringing a cockatiel
SAS: (audibly worried) uh… uhm… i’m not sure we can… transport that kind of um… pet?
me: oh, huh? i did ring to check before i booked and the guy on the phone said it’d be fine?
SAS: (”dealing with unhinged customers” voice) uh. ok. well, i guess i can try to check… just give me some cage dimensions. how big is its cage
me: well i got him a teeny tiny travel cage, so… 50x30x30, at most
SAS: centimeters??
me: yeah? is there a problem?
SAS: can you tell me exactly how big is this crocodile???

I’m dying.

i have two approaches to canon


  1. So if we extrapolate from this one-off line in episode fifteen, as well as this tweet by the creator and the answers given at this comic con panel from 2014, we can infer that this character’s relationship with salad is more complex than it first appears …
  2. *pulls down sunglasses and points a flamethrower at the source material* Death of the author, baby.



So since Mark Hamill is the king of voicing amazing evil characters, I have the headcanon that after the Battle of Endor part of Luke’s job for the alliance was making voice calls to various moffs and other ranking imperials pretending to be a recording of the Emperor saying THEY were in charge of the Empire if he died and letting the infighting speed up the imperial collapse.

Luke: Urgh, Leia, do I really have to do this?

Leia: I’m sorry Luke, you’re just too good at sounding evil.

Luke: Fiiiiine. *puts on incredibly evil voice* Hello, Grand Moff…

Han: *whispers* That is just freaky.

Chewie: *nods*

This is the best headcanon I’ve ever heard in my life



ok i heard  “john shows up 15 pages late with starbucks” three times as in it actually happened in the comic but i cannot for the life of me find that panel someone help m
