part of me believes that if you have a weird kink, it’s tolerable as long as it isn’t like… absolutely disgusting/harmful… but then again, i was just contacted by the notorious Deviantart White Bread Fetish guy who wanted me to draw a plump rich blonde blue-eyed white woman with huge titties stuffing her shopping cart full of white bread and i do have to wonder… how much? how much am i willing to tolerate?
at what point do i just give up?
I’m sorry the who now
there’s a guy who sends artists vague commission requests, and upon the artist asking what he has in mind he proceeds to send a detailed request about rich women shopping in a grocery store full of expensive wonder bread and overflowing their carts with it
i dunno if any of the artists he ropes in know that it’s a fetish thing but i knew right away. upon reading it i was like “waaaaait this sounds like that one guy from DeviantArt that was obsessed with wonder bread” and, lo and behold,
Okay so I looked on the page and apparently this guy is also very interested in busty white women destroying the environment, specifically with chainsaws
I just realized this guy is probably The Onceler
wait a minute isn’t this the guy whos commission was REJECTED BY FUCKING SHADMAN
What the fuck do you have to ask for to make Shadman back the fuck up?
Hey yeah I actually know this guy, and like, have talked with him.
please share your conversation with him or something like i desire to know what kind of guy he is
He absolutely was not just a normal guy with a weird kink. This shit was his life pretty much.
He had lots of talk about consumerism, slavery, and capitalism and why there were all good things. Almost to the point of a religion to him. He tried talking to me about his commission of a comic of, I believe, Asami cutting down a rainforest and industrializing it, and like weird undertone of loving sandwhiches. Everything he talked about in this aspect came down to sandwhiches with him.
He has spent thousands of dollars if not more on commissions for
Asami abusing Korra
Asami owning a sandwich factory and slave labor
Blonde women own sandwhich factories and cutting down large expanses of forests
And the list goes on to other really strange stuff, but none of it inherently sexual
The only time I’ve known something sexual was his commission for shadman, which was, to the best of my memory, him asking Shadman to draw Korra and Asami abuse porn with like focus on Korra having a limp dick, that’s the most I remember from the screenshots he showed of his conversation with shadman, which he did show off and talk about how unprofessional shadman was for refusing to draw his commission.
The way he fucking talks is just something mind blowing to see a man this far stuck in his own little hole.
On a more dark and serious subject, he has been fired from his job and possibly disowned from his family for this kinda stuff. He talked about assaulting, sexually assaulting, and insulting the race or sexuality of his coworkers. People caught on he was kinda fucked up, and emailed his boss over that stuff and got him fired. I got to watch as he complained about it and the entire forum that he was on talking about it blew up for a good solid 2 hours over how fucked up this guy is for thinking he did nothing wrong, and him insulting everyone. It was absolutely bonkers.
Please do not give Murrlogic commissions, his money isn’t worth being associated with this man. Over all he is a very disgusting person and while it’s fun to point and laugh, he is really not someone who should be given the time of day.
hoooooly fuck that’s like 9 layers of batshit
Shit…. talk about a fuckin rabit hole worth of crazy…
Okay, I take back what I said on my last reblog.
I have not seen weirder.
Alright know that i think about it i’m like 80% sure i’ve talked to this guy on a wrestling board before and i’m extremely disturbed to see him being mentioned here in the third person.