Random Headcanon: Link’s androgyny isn’t just an artefact of the Zelda franchise’s art direction – and neither is it particularly unusual. Sexual dimorphism among Hylians is legitimately much lower than among real-world humans; if Link and Zelda swapped clothes, you’d never be able to tell who was the girl and who was the boy.
Consequently, Hylian society depends heavily on clothing to establish gender roles, to the extent that it’s a severe faux pas to question someone’s gender presentation. If they’re dressed like a girl, then they’re a girl – even if they were dressed like a boy yesterday. That’s why nobody ever remarks upon the fact that Zelda and her heroic alter-ego Sheik are different genders; it’d be gauche at best to bring it up.
Good post op
explains why i can be banned from gerudo town, change clothes in front of the guards, and then be welcomed with open arms
shit, this absolutely provides an explanation for it that isn’t just “lazy game mechanism” and is honestly such a solid demonstration of how people should approach genderfluidity.
doesn’t matter if the first time you met the person they presented as male, if they present as female now that means they’re a woman and they’re welcome into gerudo town no questions asked
Also, Link and Zelda 100% do swap places often and you can’t tell me otherwise.
“Princess Zelda, Ganon has made his way into the kingdom! What should we do?!”