Hey… this is just. A small shout-out to those of you who have successfully left cults and/or are in the process of doing so. What you’ve done is very brave, and you are not wrong or evil or selfish for wanting to escape from that, even if the obstacles between you and freedom are psychological rather than physical, even if you feel foolish for thinking of it as a “cult”.
Furthermore: it is not strange rituals and clothing that defines a cult. It’s far less about religious beliefs than it is controlling group dynamics. It may be more useful to think of a cult as a type of emotionally abusive relationship in which members are groomed and manipulated by a leader and each other… the “theme” might be a god, an individual, or even something as innocuous as fandom. There may be cults within larger religions – even individual churches can construct group dynamics typical of a traditional cult.
Having gotten into paganism in the late 80′s and early 90′s I came across the Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Frame. Over the years I have found it useful not just religiously but also socially to avoid some pretty toxic groups. Not only religious groups (bible studies and recovery groups mostly), but I have seen high ratings in secular things like Multi-Level Marketing schemes, primitive skills groups, and even a
Pirate Reenactment club.