‘I came into this and called Joe and Anthony and said, “Look, don’t write me the old Thor, we’ve got a new Thor now,”’ Chris said.
He was referencing the highly acclaimed shift towards a comedic, self-referential tone he and Taika made with Ragnarok.
But instead of observing his request to keep the character’s newfound mojo alive, the Russo brothers reportedly told him they’d ‘reinvented’ the character once again.
Chris recalled his response: ‘I was like “no, no, no” and I was really protective of what I’d created with Taika.’
They explained that the new direction was in line with the higher-stakes of the Avengers film, and to ensure the character worked well in an ensemble cast.
Fuck the Russo brothers
this is from the fucking daily mail
I bit the bullet and clicked the Daily Mail link (with adblocker on). They’ve essentially reposted an article from the Telegraph, except subtly changed things here and then.
The key takeaway from the original article:
The Russo brothers told him they had reinvented the character of Thor
all over again, something that took Hemsworth a while to embrace.
“I was like ‘no, no, no’ and I was really protective of what I’d created with Taika,” Hemsworth said.
then said, ‘No this is a whole different thing; Thor’s never faced
something like this, never been a part of this large and ensemble.’
“I think for our characters it was difficult but for me a hugely exciting adventure.”
So Hemsworth had a couple of doubts which were soon more or less put to rest. Compare that with what the Mail has to say about it:
‘I came into this and called Joe and
Anthony and said, “Look, don’t write me the old Thor, we’ve got a new
Thor now,”’ Chris said.
He was referencing the highly acclaimed shift towards a comedic, self-referential tone he and Taika made with Ragnarok.
instead of observing his request to keep the character’s newfound mojo
alive, the Russo brothers reportedly told him they’d ‘reinvented’ the
character once again.
Thor’s… knife? According to a report published Saturday, Infinity War writers (Joe and Anthony Russo) ignored Chris’ requests for them to observe the dramatic changes made to the character in Ragnarok
This means (infinity) war! Chris recalled his response: ‘I was like “no,
no, no” and I was really protective of what I’d created with Taika’
Check out that emotive language! This wasn’t a chat between collaborators, it was an argument, they ignored him, it meant WAR! The Mail is not subtle about who it wants you to sympathize with here. Check out the headlines even, the original article from the Telegraph:
Chris Hemsworth’s big worry with new ‘Avengers’ movie
Verus the Mail:
‘I felt stuck’: Chris Hemsworth argued with Avengers Infinity War writers after they ‘reinvented’ Thor against his will for the upcoming sequel
Does the quote “I felt stuck” appear anywhere in the article, apart from in the dramatic clickbaity headline and one of the photo captions? It does not.
Because, if you click if the original Telegraph interview, you will see that he is not talking about “feeling stuck” in regards to the Infinity War script, but rather in regards to the first two Avengers movies:
Hemsworth felt he hadn’t given his best performances in the past two Avengers movies, but his experience on Ragnarok gave him the self-assurance to make his voice heard.
felt stuck about what I was giving there and felt like I probably
wasn’t bringing my portion to it as much as I could have,” Hemsworth
So the Mail are outright misrepresenting what he said in order to get you to click. And it worked!
Okay. This is a tiny thing. Fundamentally, it does not really matter that Thor, a fairly standard white male superhero, might be written ever so slightly differently (but still as a superhero!) in a film that has 20+ characters vying for attention. But why am I bothering to write all this then?
Because this is how the Daily Mail operates. This is, in the bluntest possible terms, how they’ve managed to keep their hate-spewing empire running for so long. They adjust the facts just enough to get you angry, angry enough to click and read and pass the article along. How dare those writers disrespect my favourite actor, fuck the Russo brothers, and so on! They thrive on your outrage and weaponise it. Click, click, click. More ads, more money.
The Daily Mail is not a legitimate news source, and it’s to the extreme detriment of everyone that people seem to think they are. If you haven’t heard the story of what they did to Lucy Meadows and her wife, I urge you to drop by and read it now. [tw transphobia, suicide] If you haven’t heard how the Mail tried to needle Lilly Wachowski when she came out, insisting how someone was obviously gonna out her so it might as well be them, read that too. The story of how one of their columnists used the death of a gay pop star to fuel homophobia? It happened a while ago, but it’s also a good look at how they operate – of course their story is the right one, can’t they be trusted over the words of those trained medical professionals who’re “spinning” a different story? When in doubt, misrepresent.
Guys, what I’m basically saying is… in the world we live in today (we all know what’s been going on around here recently) we’ve gotta be so careful with these things. Obviously a huge amount of the people round here don’t know what the Daily Mail actually is, don’t live in the same country even, I’m not really blaming anyone. It’s just, you know – that’s how they get you. “Well, I was angry about the writers for a upcoming superhero movie, and the Mail validated that anger by making them seem like arrogant villains. What else’ve they got?” Click, click, click. Outrage, outrage, outrage. Most popular English-language news website in the world.
I’m sure Infinity War will be just fine.
Read the above post, please.
Holy shit, people actually read this? I wanna drop another link in then – Stop Funding Hate. They’re trying to get advertisers to abandon the Mail and its ilk, and so far it seems to be working at least to some extent.