

Fun fact: in the official manga translation, Bradley is given the title “Fuhrer President”. This is redundant, as Fuhrer already means leader, but I assume they did this because they thought the typical English-speaker might not realize what the title Fuhrer means.

Except this is absolutely hysterical because the asshole’s name is literally Fuhrer President King Bradley. 

“What should we call our leader?” “I say Fuhrer!” “Too harsh, President!” “You fools. His first name’s already King! Just go with that!” And these idiots probably sat in a stalemate for three days until Bradley broke it up by saying “Fine I’m Fuhrer President King Bradley. All of them! Happy?! Please just let me go home to my wife.”

Counter headcanon that Ling starts going by “Emporer King Monarch Ling Yao” when he realizes Amestris is a leg-up in their ridiculous redundant ruler-naming game.

#ling: lan fan come here for a sec
#lan fan: yes my lord
#ling: go get a thesaurus
#ling: and look up every single synonym for emperor
#lan fan: please tell me you’re not going to do what i believe you are about to d- 
(via lingyaoza)