also that post saying “tumblr can sic the cops on you now”. like. they can already do that. if u make a post threatening someone or suicide baiting or whatever, things that are actually illegal, they can absolutely call the cops on you for that. but as we can see with all the nazis, they are absolutely shit at doing literally anything unless they have a huge national level government investigation breathing down their necks.
Posted on
ive seen several posts about tumblr deleting the russian state fake users, specifically about how a lot of them had black supporting urls, acting like that’s suspicious and kinda insinuating that tumblr is antiblack. which, like. the fake users were trying to influence real tumblr users. OF COURSE theyd try to look like theyre super into social justice. that’s what’s cool on the majority of tumblr. this is a super lefty site. they were supporting both trump and bernie sanders; they were probably more supporting bernie on tumblr and more trump in other places.
(also there was one url that was guns4l1fe or something. so not all of them were “supporting” social justice)
(staff still needs to delete the nazis tho. chop chop get to work)
It turns out that in addition to spellbooks, Dungeons and Dragons also has monster manuals – books full of the names and descriptions of creatures that adventurers can encounter. Colin Fredricks, who created the RPG Sufficiently Advanced, was kind enough to send me the names of 2,205 creatures from the 2nd edition monster manual.
As I had hoped, the neural network generated creatures that would probably be pretty awesome.
It also generated some creatures that you should probably run from until you figure out what they are. (Though Dome Animal might simply be a cool turtle)
Brain, Fire Horse (Spider, Brain Undead Lake Man, Fire Walfablang Fraithwarp, Giant Fish, Sun of Lycanthrope, Wereladoo Pat, Great, Space Shadowstaffer Spectral Woof Greepy Jabberwont Animal, Dome Dwarf, Giant Burglestar Pigaloth Beeple, Desert Wendless Woll Memeball Marraganralleraith
There were 118 dragons in the original dataset, so of course the neural net liked generating new dragons. Some perhaps better-conceived than others.
Dragon, Death Seep Dragon, Purple Fang Dragon, Curple Lard Dragon, Dead Big Dragon Will O’Dragon
And it generated new unicorns!
Unicorn, Fumble Unicorn, Bat Unicorn, Black Willow Unicorn, Sith Sheet
These might be possible misses, though.
Man-Can Barber Beet Skull Feast, Stone Peg, Brown Kurt Durp Snake Golf Vampire, Putter
Enter your email here and I’ll send you a few more creatures that wouldn’t fit in the main post. Including the legendary Bung Dragon!
I’m crowdsourcing a couple more D&D-related datasets – see below!
I’m also collecting character backstories! Submit as many as you like. I will post some generated character bios as soon as I can figure out a strategy that works better than this:
There was the prince of the sun. He was raised by the arcane arts and accepted him to become a fire work and the pig of the scorpions. He was in the blood of curious by the world to be a part of the church, really with the bartender.
I had to answer a security question over the phone today and it was honestly surreal the guy asked me “okay, what’s your dream car” and for a solid ten seconds I’m thinking ‘what the fuck I can’t even drive?’ and then it hits me. I made this account in 2014. I know what I have to say. I swallow my pride and whisper into the phone:
“1967 Chevy Impala.”
There’s silence. Then, he gives me my password. Fuck you, 2014 me. Fuck. You.