
Sometimes I’m still surprised that Rian Johnson didn’t understand what Rey’s question was. Like, our question was “who are her parents?” but Rey’s question, for herself, as a character, was “why did they abandon me?” which is why that scene in the cave makes no sense. it’s a cool-looking scene, but the whole time you’re watching it, you’re going “doesn’t she know who her parents are, even though we, the audience, don’t and are dying to know?” like when she was left on Jakku, she was old enough to be able to remember who they are.





shout out to people on tumblr with no squads or group chats with weird names or people who just don’t get messages. the internet is a strange place i hope you can all still enjoy yourselves & if not u are not alone!

and you know what, shout out to people who don’t have any good friends irl either. i know it seems lonely right now but it won’t be forever there is a friend out there for you! i believe in you!

U have no idea of how much I needed this.

Shout out to everyone whose best friends moved or have always lived far away. It’s lonely now, but remember that you will see them all again one day.