I think it’s fucking hilarious that the FCC just tried to slide the whole net neutrality thing by, meanwhile buzzfeed and other hellsites are like “Is it really that important? :)”
Meanwhile Ajit Pai is now under federal investigation, almost the entire country is making its own state legislature to supersede the FCC regulations, the giants of the tech industry and getting ready to launch a massive legal battle, and half of congress is against it and need literally one more vote to overturn it. As well as plenty of other loopholes that people are taking advantage of, i.e. Mayors and some states just going “While you have no legal reason to follow net neutrality. We’ll just not do business with you if you don’t follow it :)” .
It warms my heart. Also makes me feel better about the dystopian hellscape to come because if whatever corporate shits were pulling the strings on this one seriously thought they could just slide this by and hope nobody would notice then holy fuck they’ve got to have brain problems of some sort.
Autism and Emotional Labour – Ada Hoffmann
Autism and Emotional Labour – Ada Hoffmann
This is really worth the read.
Just saw a headline that said CHARLES MANSON’S CORPSE AWARDED TO FLORIDA MAN which has got to be the weirdest way of saying “inmate’s remains released to family member”
Insist on rolling all your dice in secret, allegedly to help immersion. In fact you are hiding that you don’t have any dice. Due to a mix up your die bag contains twenty very small mice, and the number you roll is how many look up and smile at you when you open the bag.
every time i get a nat 20 i start crying i love them
judging by fan fictions, the only jobs in the world are being a teacher, lawyer, waiter, or working at a coffee shop
and man do the people with those jobs have a lot of sex
Based on AO3′s AU – Career tag, these are the top 20 areas of employment in the fanfic universe:
- Coffeeshop Owners and Employees (about 1/3 of the population)
- Teachers
- Police and Federal Agents
- Office Workers – Generic
- Doctors and Nurses
- Florists
- Bakers
- Private Investigators
- Models, Fashion Designers and Photographers
- Bartenders
- Restaurant Owners and Waitstaff
- Bookstore Employees
- Artists
- Lawyers
- Firefighters
- Authors and Editors
- Grocery Store Employees
- Pizza Delivery Drivers
- Chefs
- Journalists
im gonna have roxy in her god tier outfit but calliope in literally just anthy’s dress