i have the BEST idea for a homestuck fanart but idk if i can pull it off

its the utena transformation bit where she pulls the sword out of anthy but with roxy and callie instead


In any good Avatar comparison you fools would know that Kylo isn’t Zuko, he’s Ozai, because here’s what Kylo has in common with Zuko:

  • Red and black color scheme
  • Scar
  • Angry sometimes

And here’s what Kylo has in common with Ozai:

  • Fascist genocidal dictator
  • Killed his own father to secure his own political power
  • Desperate to exceed the legacy of his famously evil grandfather who rose to power following a betrayal of a lifelong best friend which resulted in an emotional final confrontation in a volcano
  • Nemesis is a new staff-carrying Chosen One who’s attempting to fill the shoes of the last Chosen One who mysteriously disappeared without a trace just when the world needed him most. This new Chosen One is rising from a religious order thought long dead due to a genocide perpetrated by his grandfather.
  • Copied his grandfather’s genocide plan only Bigger
  • Gives himself an Evil Promotion
  • Even the people who once loved him, and the people who see good in absolutely everyone, now acknowledge that he is beyond saving and that even if he wasn’t, it wouldn’t be worth it to try.

the hardest thing about this is going to be 1) sticking to 1000 word limit and 2) only talking about whats relevant to this course rather than literally everyhting i want to say about art in internet cultuere

how do i say “the art world is up itself” without literally saying “the art world is up itself”

seriously. how do you write in a way thats not essay style. i cant think of words.

also, spotify. please. PLEASE stop recommending me songs that are “dude singing by himself with guitar OR ukelele OR piano instrumentals” it is my least favourite kind of music

also. like. we found out what the topic is for this thing. on thursday. it is due next friday

tfw u went to a private school and they taught u how to write essays and ONLY essays and now ur at uni and have to write something in a more casual style