
If Toby Fox had never made that one fateful videogame we would all be living life sans undertale



there is honestly nothing more gorgeously tacky than bowling alley carpet

Don’t even talk to me if all of your clothes aren’t made out of bowling alley carpet


Maybe crickets have the exact opposite sense of humor to us, so whenever you hear crickets after a bad joke it’s just your tiny fan club absolutely dying with laughter



Potentially controversial post but Dirk isn’t a Slytherin. He thinks he should be but instead he’s a Ravenclaw who never spends any time in his common room because he gets in philosophical arguments with the door and ends up sleeping on his friends’ floors.

#Dirk in the bowels of the Slytherin common room: This is the house for cold hearted plotters. I should be here. Why did they put you here? #Jane who is currently finishing a batch of potions she’s selling for a nice profit on the interhouse black market: #I don’t know Dirk. I suppose it’s just your fate to be perpetually misunderstood