Honestly during the battle of Hogwarts I feel immensely cheated at not having more Peeves v. Voldemort time because Peeves can’t die and is a complete asshole and I just really want that interaction in my soul of how furious Voldemort would be with Peeves for just existing. Voldemort can’t banish or kill Peeves so he would be trying to direct his Death Eater troops with Peeves floating three feet to the left repeating everything Voldemort says in a mocking high-pitched voice.
It’s kind of fucked up when you realize the image of the quaint 1950s leave it to beaver family with the housewife and hard working husband is a propaganda model that had to be adopted to justify stripping women of their jobs they were able to get during WWII. Like women literally proved they could keep an industria wartime economy afloat without men and society had to craft some serious insidious shit to get them back into the home.
This painting for the cover of the pulp Private Detective Magazine by Richard Lillis was published in early 1945, before the war was over. I’ve long wondered whether this painting could not have been published even six months later, because the gender roles of the people in this painting show a strong woman in charge (firing a gun, driving) while the man is in the weaker role of passenger and the one holding the bag.
But get a load of this screenshot of Private Detective Magazine covers when the search term includes 1946…
Lots of damsels in distress, huh? I’m no history major, but a quick Google search really makes a big impression.
When we say representation is important, it really IS important. It can change the way a culture sees gender roles in just the space of a few years.
Keep pushing media to represent you, and demand it be positive representation: women, PoC, LGBTQIA+, disabled people. Minds can be changed in a really short amount of time, when they’re exposed to people different from themselves.
Concept: a D&D-like setting that plays ease of access to resurrection magic by the book, except there are like a billion different methods, ranging from ones that are cheap, safe and easy, to ones that have lists of baroque requirements and improbable side effects as long as your arm – and each method only works once for any given individual. So you have a milieu where it’s not unlikely that even your average peasant could manage to get brought back once or twice, but adventurers quickly exhaust all of the convenient resurrection methods, and then things get Weird™.
An example of a simple method: lay the corpse out under an open sky on the first new moon following the victim’s demise, and speak eight words in Latin. The specific eight words vary depending on both the time of year and the date of the victim’s birth, but the calculations are simple enough that any hedge wizard can look them up for you, for a nominal fee. This one won’t restore any missing body parts, and the victim will be laid up in bed for at least a month recovering (take care they don’t overexert themselves and die again!), but it works for anyone – the celebrant doesn’t even need to understand the words.
An example of a moderately difficult method: prepare a potion using water from an underground spring, sap from a tree grown on a mountain’s peak, and ashes from a burnt lock of the victim’s hair. None of the ingredients can be exposed to sunlight or moonlight between the time they’re harvested and the time they’re consumed. The potion must be drunk by the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, who then recites the victim’s maternal lineage going back seven generations; any mistake or inaccuracy renders the ritual ineffective. This one doesn’t require the corpse to be present or intact, but if it isn’t, the victim has about a 30% chance of coming back as a barn owl. Nobody’s entirely sure why.
An example of a hard method: use your imagination!
The simplest method: shake them vigorously by the shoulders and command them to live, live, damn you!
I LOVE LEE PACE SO MUCH and while part of me is rly proud he came out as part of the lgbt community I really hate that he was outed when he wasn’t ready ? I LOVE MY BOY
WOW so upon further investigation apparently the journalist that interviewed him forced him to admit he’s dated men before in order to justify him playing gay/bi roles… and then lee pace admitted that he found the question “intrusive” and now said journalist is being a fucking asshole to him on twitter and saying he’s a coward for not living his live openly gay/bi or whatever… lee pace had to block the dude that outed him in the first place
so lee pace wasn’t really /coming out/ on his own terms at all and it was a defense of his own existence instead
i’m really fucking angry lee pace deserves so much better than this??? THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
lee is handling all of this so fucking well and i’m so sick and tired of the internet acting like if you aren’t out and screaming about it then you don’t matter/aren’t valid or something. it’s such a shame he was treated this way and that people are shaming him for still trying to talk about this while being discreet and true to himself. you are 100% correct, that angel deserves better.