homeless people are part of your community!!!!! get with it!!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re not outside interlopers they’re not invaders they’re not vermin. homeless people = people deprived of homes, they are Victims and you should be angry on their behalf because people are being deprived of shelter in Your Community
no one deserves homelessness and no one brought it on themself, not even alcoholics and drug addicts and unmedicated/uncooperative/“unreasonable” mentally ill people
if a person does not have access to appropriate shelter and is forced to either try to find a homeless shelter that isn’t full to capacity AND won’t abuse them/put them in danger, or live and sleep in public areas (which is literally criminalized like….. everywhere)
they have been purposely deprived. basic human needs are being used against them, the necessities for human life are being withheld from them and they don’t deserve that. if u have been or are currently homeless, you didn’t and don’t deserve that
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i wish i could see rabbits without feeling conflicted
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the problem with having a fishing-based minecraft rf generation system is that if i dont check up on it every so often it clogs up and spews fish everywhere
thinking about the statement that all maladaptive coping mechanisms were helpful and, well, adaptive, at some point, and that they become maladaptive when the circumstance changes or when their detriments outweigh their benefits, and how the framework of “this is no longer helpful to you” is probably better than “this is a bad habit/this is bad for you.” How much better “you don’t have to live like that anymore” feels than “that’s a bad habit you picked up when you were in a bad place.” “It’s ok, you can look now,” vs “you’ve been tainted/infected/sullied by a previous bad circumstance.”
i was off my ass on my migraine meds and benadryl last night and the righteous genesis-flood anger i felt at this anon was unmatched by any god or gods