i cant wait for the climax of Infinity War when Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider just speeds in out of nowhere and one-shots Thanos and leaves without saying anything
the most underrated monster factory moment, in my opinion, was in the oblivion video when griffin kills a prison guard, changes the corpse’s name to “bookshelf”, and puts a book on top of him, without saying anything at all
no offense to people named aaron but who the fuck decided two a’s were necessary??? now i can’t converse with someone named aaron without calling them a-aron
not to be That Bitch but it’s another example of an anglicized disaster of a name from biblical hebrew, which was aharon and imo infinitely more badass than aaron
others in this cursed category: elisheva (elizabeth), yirmiyahu (jeremy), mikha-el (michael), matisyahu (matthew), shoshana (susanna)
you really are that bitch huh i feel educated as fuck right now
i have a hit new game idea. woman dies. white husband with dark hair and stubble is Pissed
i don’t know if this new game idea really taps into all video games can be in this day and age. could you maybe add some melancholic staring into the distance after each instance of gritty and badass revenge?
And then a NEW romantic interest shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous.