
I don’t ship Drarry but with that being said, I will accept no other Drarry prompt than them stubbornly competing to outdo the other for the sheer drama.

It starts off when they’re still enemies in the Goblet of Fire. Draco makes a taunt about who Harry’s going to ask to the Yule Ball and how they must be from the worst of the worst lot and Harry rolls his eyes and says, “Well, fitting you say that, Malfoy, because I was going to ask you.” A perfect zing, Harry. 10/10.

But now the ball’s in Draco’s court and obviously he’s not going to pass up on the chance to humiliate the scarhead so he takes the most logical route of humiliation and calls out his bluff: “Fine, Potter, I reckon we’re going.”

But do you think Harry James Potter is just going to back down? That stubborn teenager is going to stare Draco down and say, “Reckon we are.”

Ron’s confused and Hermione’s confused and literally the entire castle is confused but Harry’s satisfied because he called out a bluffer’s counterbluff with a bluff of his own. And they just keep it up.

“I suppose you don’t even know how to dance, Potter?”

The furious teenager who spent years having to watch soapbox dramas with Mrs. Figg just glares at him in his stupid dress robes. “I know some things.”

“Prove it.”


It’s like that for days until Draco makes the ultimate power move by inviting Harry to the Malfoy’s Annual New Years Eve Ball, taking out a Daily Prophet ad no less, because oh, oh, he’s got Potter now. He’ll never accept and he’ll be humiliated in front of the entire wizarding world. And do you think Harry’s just going to go down without a fight? God, no, he’s going to win whatever the hell this is because he’s Harry Potter, Draco better be worried, oh boy.

They’re still going at it six months later.

“Err—Malfoy?” Crabbe says. “Potter just sent you a dozen roses?”

“That son of a bitch! Send a box of chocolates. That’ll show him.”

“Um, Draco—?”




I honestly don’t understand why there aren’t more people who, when given the platform to discuss minimum wage, don’t simply distill it to the simplest of facts:

  • A forty hour work week is considered full time.
  • It’s considered as such because it takes up the amount of time we as a society have agreed should be considered the maximum work schedule required of an employee. (this, of course, does not always bear out practically, but just follow me here)
  • A person working the maximum amount of time required should earn enough for that labor to be able to survive. Phrased this way, I doubt even most conservatives could effectively argue against it, and out of the mouth of someone verbally deft enough to dance around the pathos-based jabs conservative pundits like to use to avoid actually debating, it could actually get opps thinking.
  • Therefore, if an employee is being paid less than [number of dollars needed for the post-tax total to pay for the basic necessities in a given area divided by forty] per hour, they are being ripped off and essentially having their labor, productivity, and profit generation value stolen by their employer.
  • Wages are a business expense, and if a company cannot afford to pay for its labor, it is by definition a failing business. A company stealing labor to stay afloat (without even touching those that do so simply to increase profit margins and/or management/executive pay/bonuses) is no more ethical than a failing construction company breaking into a lumber yard and stealing wood.
  • Our goal as a society should be to protect each other, especially those that most need protection, not to subsidize failing businesses whose owners could quite well subsidize them on their own.
  • Wages are a business expense, and if a company cannot afford to pay for its labor, it is by definition a failing business. A company stealing labor to stay afloat (without even touching those that do so simply to increase profit margins and/or management/executive pay/bonuses) is no more ethical than a failing construction company breaking into a lumber yard and stealing wood.




so i guess activated charcoal lattes are the newest latte trend? for why? i hate to break it to y’all but unless you’ve ingested poison recently, activated charcoal has no real benefits. just stick to matcha [polyphenols/ antioxidants] and chai [antioxidants+anti-inflammatory]

also, if you’re on any important medications, and i know a lot of you are, don’t fucking drink these. charcoal doesn’t discriminate. it’ll render your meds useless and absorb them too as well as some other beneficial nutrients

^^^^ including hormonal birth control. Don’t fall for the charcoal bullshit. Stay safe.




Listen, as someone with bonafide degrees and qualifications in alternative health therapies and mystic woo, if anyone on this damn hellsite tells you they can cure you’re disease/pain with magic crystals and “just eat charcoal, it pulls all the bad stuff out your body (:” I want you to know they are a lying mcfuckstick and you deserve better.

I’ve been doing alternative therapies, fully qualified, for nearly 15 years. And I’d never in my wildest dreams have the arrogance to claim such a thing. Alternative therapies are there to help and many people, myself included, find great relief from them. But speaking as someone with a chronic condition and several fully certified qualifications in this shit, we cannot cure you with crystals. We cannot cure you with yoga, or spells, or veganism or essential oils. Those things might help, and they might help substantially in helping you to take better care of yourself. I know crystal therapy always leaves me feeling great.

But helping people to heal also means finding them the help you cannot give, and the support they need to see it through. Holding someone captive to false hope that only serves to line your own pocket is the work of a charlatan and anyone that claims selling you a spelled amethyst for $75 will Cure You, isn’t being honest. They are in fact being the opposite of that, and are either ignorantly deluded or maliciously misleading. 

Both are harmful, but one is morally reprehensible, and I’ll hold no truck with it. And if you come at me again trying to play some power move like “well obviously you’re not a truly ~gifted healer~ like I am” (really…Really??? that’s the game you’re trying to play? lol okay) I will personally take your ego to hand and ram it where the sun does not shine

Do not prey on the weak, do not trick those in need of help. What the fuck is wrong with you.

I love this post because while I’m not as qualified as the op I live in these circles and with the scary diagnosis’ I’m getting of late I’m terrified to tell some of the people I know about them. It will be my fault and if I don’t take a billion supplements and drink the tea of this one mushroom that grew out of a gnomes ass, it’ll be my fault if I get sicker. Guys I HATE this.

I’m sorry to hear that you are going through some scary health stuff, and also that you have to deal with this kind of know it all ableism. People can suck, even when they mean well. 

From one chronically ill spoonie to another, I wish you well and hope you have more good days than bad. And if you ever want someone to offer a verbal smackdown in your corner, (or just someone to talk to) I’m here and 100% ready to fight. Take care <3 

at uni all of the art students dress like they want to look unique and different, but, like, they all have the exact same idea of what unique and different is



I just misread something as saying “swords and skateboards,” and I think I just accidentally invented a new subgenre of fantasy.

… you know what, I am HERE for swords and skateboards