most relatable and realistic lesbian moment in homestuck is when kanaya was in love w her best friend who was pursuing a boy and she cried her little gay heart out over her
the second most realistic lesbian thing in homestuck is that vriska was too fucking stupid to realize kanaya was in love with her. vriska absolutely would have dated kanaya but she’s as dense as a fucking brick. very realistic and lesbian of kanaya to find her attractive regardless
Introducing your friends to Homestuck be like:
The generation that forcibly put soap in the mouth of children for using “dirty language” weighing in on the tide pod situation.
im doing a life drawing class this semester and like. so far the most frustrating thing is i cant use my laptop/tablet. (bc webcams and stuff). using physical media is SO HARD. it does not do what i want it to do. last week i had to use charcoal. i hate charcoal so much. ive gotta deal with this whole “drawing with an object that u cannot change the properties of” and then i have to manhandle the paper. its the worst
A Transgender Woman Has Exclusively Breastfed Her Baby, & It’s A Dream Come True
A Transgender Woman Has Exclusively Breastfed Her Baby, & It’s A Dream Come True
No idea yet if this is repeatable for other women, but the fact that it was possible for someone is some of the best news I’ve heard in a while
Lots of trans women breastfeed, this is just the first time it’s being recorded in the medical literature/might be the first time it’s been done long-term without supplemental nutrition
This is 100% possible for trans women, and while not as practical, even possible for cis men. Which means that trans women who haven’t had hormone therapy for one reason or another could breastfeed. Inducing lactation is actually pretty common! The only real barrier is financial, since if you’ve never breastfed before, it requires certain medications in addition to pumping.
But it’s not just possible, it’s been done again and again and again. No matter how you choose to start a family, there’s options. Formula is a great option when breastfeeding isn’t possible or isn’t enough for full nutrition, but there’s options.
You can breastfeed your child.
This is… so beautiful ???? I love it
fuck myer briggs fuck astrology
if you ask someone who their top 3 favorite homestuck characters were you literally know everything about them
if they dont know what homestuck is then you know theyre a normal human being
everyone put ur top 3 homestuck characters in the tags