every aquarist ever be like






?where did y’all even find this I’m dead

It’s in the Super Dictionary, a flawless piece of literature that has such other wonderful situations such as cake theft…

shoe-stealing whales…

Green Lantern and Green Arrow fleeing an angry mob (also a duck is involved)…

and “please help me.”

One of my greatest regrets is not owning this book. 

Some more highlights from the Super Dictionary:

Superman is friends with a giant who has no teaspoons.

Green Lantern looks at animals.

Joker and Batman are dating.

Robin gets tied up a lot.

Robin in general has a very bad time.

Supergirl’s text says “afraid” but her eyes say something else entirely.

Superman invites literally everybody he knows to come and watch Lois Lane sleeping.


Superman gets trapped in a bubble. Not a kryptonite bubble, just a regular soap bubble.

And Green Arrow plans to murder a child.

I could post dozens more of the strange situations (like Atom going on a date with a bee, Green Lantern LOSING HIS SHIT over a child trying to pick his flowers, some strange fetishy stuff with giants, Batman refusing to get down off the table, Wonder Woman’s continuous battles against pterodactyls, and Supergirl’s forays into paleontology), but that’d take forever and this post is already pretty long. The Super Dictionary is a wonderful acid trip of a book and I have never regretted purchasing my copy. If you’d like to see some scans, there’s more of them here!



years after his cooking show has started, taako critically examines his wardrobe and is baffled by how many shirts he has saying “world’s stinkiest brother” or “i’m the better looking twin” and even “reason #2 why we can’t have nice things” and is just like. huh. can’t remember going through this phase of irony, but i sure am glad i’m out of it.

he can’t bring himself to throw them out, because he’s a notorious hoarder, and when he wears them as pjs on the moon base everyone teases him about it.

well. almost everyone.


oh “assault weapon” is a poorly defined socially constructed category that doesn’t accurately describe reality?

sorry for misgendering your guns

Chris Hemsworth angry writers reinvented Thor in Avengers Infinity War

Chris Hemsworth angry writers reinvented Thor in Avengers Infinity War



You know, I think those articles comparing Homestuck to works of classic literature may be closer to the mark than many folks realise. I mean, let’s go down the list:

  • Takes forever to get going
  • Way too many viewpoint characters, many of whom are only introduced two-thirds of the way through the text
  • Careens wildly between narrative and epistolary formats
  • Long, stylistically affected dialogues, especially in situations where you wouldn’t think there’d be time to stop and chat
  • Repeated digressions about peripherally relevant worldbuilding details, often focusing on characters who play little or no role in the actual plot
  • Sentimental preoccupation with a very specific era of popular culture
  • Strongly opinionated narrator who appears to have some sort of romantic obsession with one of the female leads
  • Kills off half its speaking cast

  • Published piecemeal, alternating large bursts of content with lengthy hiatuses
  • The author isn’t getting paid by the word, but it feels like he should be

Victor Hugo would be proud, is what I’m saying.

(For those who are unsure whether this is a callout post of Andrew Hussie or a callout post of Victor Hugo, I encourage you to examine your assumption that it can only be one of those two things.)


Before she learns about his secret identity, Lois Lane
thinks Clark Kent is a goddamn mess

She goes to his place to work on a joint article and it
takes her like half an hour to find out that Clark lives in an absolutely
nonfunctional house

She has to change a lightbulb but there are no stools, no
sufficiently high chairs, no way of reaching the ceiling unless you find a way
to climb the walls. “How the hell do you change your bulbs?” she asks. Clark
mutters something about misplacing the footstool and helps her drag the table
from the kitchen to the living room.

Lois watches Clark make lasagna and has to physically
restrain him from pulling the tray out of the oven with his bare hands. “Are
you out of your goddamn MIND?” she yells, scrambling to pull him away on time. “What
are you DOING? WHERE ARE THE OVEN MITTS?” and Clark is just like “Right…..oven
mitts…….. I think I lost them with the uh. footstool” both he and Lois pause
for a moment to engage in a riveting game of Mentally Punch Clark

Lois runs into the bathroom to put on a disguise and yells
out, “Where do you keep your razor?” There’s a gust of wind and Clark comes
back with slightly windswept hair. “I got it!” he says with unwarranted
triumph. “It’s right here. The razor I use.” Lois looks at it and it is CLEARLY
recently purchased and never used and she’s just like. I don’t even care

For weeks she just assumes Clark is missing some crucial
element in his home and starts stacking her own things all over the place. Lois thinking Clark has no clue how to take care of himself while Clark is Eternally Tormented and has to find ways to keep his identity a secret while living in close quarters, and the slow burn mutual pining roommates AU of my dreams begins