// im gonna leave this here because homestuck is pissing me off again
that space game ive been wanting to get allows you to create your own solar systems and planets, so im like fuck it, im gonna make the troll planet(s). and my overachieving ass can’t just make the planet, no, i gotta read up on the canon info about the dim and dark seasons and “third autumn” or whatever the fuck, and try to figure out how this planet has these dim and dark seasons independent of spring, summer, etc, and how our standard four seasons can occur more than once a sweep. and of course ive gotta make a calendar to visualize all of this shit.
based on what i know about planets (because i actually am a nerd who watches space videos on youtube, it’s not just tuna saying that), my best guess so far has been that this planet has a pronounced axial tilt that wobbles very frequently. kind of like what a lot of people think about the Game of Thrones planet. i’m not too sure about the specifics yet, but the visual above is what i came up with last night.
today, i come back on here, and im like, “lemme look this up and see what planets do this in real life.” so i google it, and i read one article, and i go back to google, then i notice that most of the results are about the one same planet. then, i notice what theyre calling this planet.