this is my govt assigned homestuck kin @candyredterezii pls help me who is this and why she :3
That’s Nepeta!! She’s a good girl who deserved better
what did they do to her
she died by a clown and was never heard from again
Listen. Everyone is reblogging this like “I wish guns would work :/” or “He’s immortal.” or “It’s okay because Nepeta fused with Davesprite (I dont even know who the fuck that is).
I now know the clown’s name is Gamzee and I don’t care. The bitch is immortal or possesed but I Do Not Care. I will kill him if ever given the chance. I will hunt down Andrew fucking Hussie and eliminate him from this god-forsaken Earth and destroy any concept of the clown motherfucker. I still don’t know ANYTHING about Homestuck nor do I really care, but I will kill for this Kitty motherfucker.