


derive your fantasy settings from somewhere other than medieval europe you cowards

apart from anything else it gives you the chance to read some world history from parts of the world that aren’t europe and that shit is non-stop fun 

some to start you off:

the an lushan rebellion (and literally all chinese imperial court drama makes european political machination look totally pathetic)

the trưng sisters

the battle of tondibi (and literally the entire fall of the songhai empire to the morrocan invaders)

the hajj of mansa musa (the richest man of all history)

kublai khan’s repeated and failed attempts to invade japan

the maurya empire

this isn’t even stretching to like, russia, southern africa, the pacific, or anywhere in the americas yet?

c’mon man don’t you wanna base a fantasy story on patachuti?

#this isn’t even an argument for social justice#i am just fucking BORED