

oh my god am I the one who’s been misspelling kismessitude all this time I thought it was kismesissitude

EDIT: ok I was right, it is kismesissitude

there should be a version of the pregante video but with the names of the quadrants being misspelled on troll yahoo answers


“Red feelings for Kismis?!?”


“Is there potental for kismesited?”

“5 sweps too young for meatsprit??”

“Tips for seducing mesprit?”


“How to get mat spit FAST!?!?”

“Need Auspite, urgent?”

“What to do when auspisticice does not want to anymore?”

“Marill will not talk to me.?”

“i think my morale is flust for me??”

“WHY do all of my friends have morals except me?????”

This is hilarious but meanwhile in the real world 90% of fic authors write ‘matesprite’ instead of ‘matesprit’ and I die a little inside every time I see it.