

the weirdest thing but also the coolest thing about homestuck is that, because it spanned from 2009 to 2017, the kids start out communicating on an IM client and end using snapchat. they’re so relatable and believable because they were 13 when the comic started, and they lived in that world. i actually love the pesterchum convos, as a concept. it’s in the little things, like how sometimes they would try to turn a word black for dramatic effect and they would fuck up the HTML. it makes the experience of rereading hs that much more nostalgic. idk man. homestuck was so good. 

it’s wild to think about just how long it was around from beginning to end, and going from pesterchum to snapchat is a big indicator of that. same with all the references to movies and celebrities in the earlier acts. there’s plenty of people who got into the comic later who didn’t get the nic cage thing or other references that’re now outdated and being lost to time. and also? going from a simple flash of a kid playing a piano to finally outgrowing flash with almost 30 minutes of animation between collide and act 7, with so many contributing artists pulled from the fanbase that grew up around this comic that was so integral to it that however obnoxious it was I don’t think it would’ve been the same at all without it