


hmmmm canonically lup and barry met WAY before taako and kravitz did. but barry (and probably lup lbr) took over 20 years to admit they were in love – and that was only admitting it to taako! legato was cycle 47! meanwhile, taako asks kravitz out on a date the second fucking time they meet, and are declaring their love a few months later.

what i’m getting at is, in almost every au where time exists in a normal way, taako and kravitz should totally get together while lup and barry are still pining even though they’re, like, childhood friends.

taako: holy shit, just ask him out already

lup: um, absolutely the fuck not

taako: what are you so afraid of? like, the dude is clearly into you

lup: but he might not be! do you know how risky and– and scary it is to ask someone out? especially when you’re really into them?

taako: i know that you’re a coward

lup: yeah? well then i’m sure you’d have no problem asking out that hot guy you met last week. the one you said you were going to marry? the one who’s passing by our table right now? i mean, it’s the perfect opportunity to–

taako: [throws an empty soda can at kravitz’s head] hey! hey, krav!

kravitz: what the fu

taako: you wanna go on a date with me? like, tomorrow?

kravitz: …yes. definitely. when and where?

taako: [turning back to lup] your move. coward.

The yeet! of love