






does the existence of redwall abbey imply that there is a mouse pope? more at 11

i want to address the point that the redwall creatures seemed like protestants with the fact that this further implies a Mouse Reformation, featuring a mouse dissident and indeed.. a mouse pope

While it is indeed possible that the theology of Redwall had deviated from the dicta of the Mouse Pope (Pope Mus IV), Protestants don’t, as far as I or the internet knows, have much of a monastic tradition, thus proving that they are Catholic and fall under the jurisdiction of the Holy (Mouse) See. In this essay, I will show that Martin the Warrior should have been excommunicated for his heresies

flagrantly disregarding the possibility that the Redwall animals could be Orthodox

I assumed they were anglicans tbh, given the proto-british society, naming conventions etc, which implies the existence of not only a mouse pope but a mouse henry viii

But surely a mouse Henry VIII would have dissolved Redwall Abbey, appropriated its income, and disposed of its assets.

Mouse Henry VIII was eaten by a cat.

Really though a lot of things about the Redwall society as depicted make more sense if you suppose the whole thing takes place in the recovery period after the collapse of an empire or something. It’s got all these… artifacts of a broader civilization without the infrastructure of a broader civilization. Mice seem to be the central species – but where, outside the abbey, are the mouse elite? (You see badger gentry, squirrel and otter and mole leadership, and less said about shrews the better, and I think some mouse government farther away, but locally?)


fucked up how tumblr has established itself as the social media site for people with mental illness when it is literally the worst possible social media site for people with mental illness to be on

i want to follow more rvb blogs but im not a first member and i dont want to be spoiled


i HaTE myseLf SO MUch. i CliCkeD An UNdEScRiptiVElY NAmED scRIpt FilE tHAt i MAde In 2011 WitHoUT tHiNkING Of THe PotENtIaL ConSequeNceS aND GUeSS WHaT it DoES? guEsS WhaT iT fuCkInG does. I BEt YoU Can’t GUesS



So–yesterday was Homestuck Day, and by that I mean it was the nine-year anniversary of the first posted page of Homestuck.  You may have noticed your entire dashboard going into a maddened, dismaying frenzy.  People you thought were your coworkers, your neighbors, your friends, your family, all of them infected by a virus that transmits through gray facepaint and Vriska memes.

Well, okay, I kinda got a little weird there.  My purpose in making this post is actually to advise you to read Homestuck–hell, read Jail Break and Problem Sleuth first, if you want, they help you to understand what the hell is going through the author’s head.  But read it, especially if you want to be a content creator, because reading Homestuck is a transformative experience–in that it will transform how you understand, process, and create fiction.  It pushes…boundaries.  It pushes the boundaries of storytelling, of character interaction, of audience participation, of the medium itself–of several mediums themselves.  The actual story has some severe execution problems late in the game, but I am firmly of the opinion that Homestuck is gonna be taught in college in fifty years alongside other great works of fiction throughout the history of mankind.

Moreover, it’s helpful to understand the people making content that are Filthy Homestucks.  Your favorite artist is a Homestuck.  Your favorite cartoon is made by Homestucks.  Your favorite indie game was made by Homestucks.  You’d be surprised how large a percentage of you this is true for.  Homestuck, for better or for worse, is important, and I highly recommend the experience of reading it.

If you wind up buying gray facepaint and pointy anime shades as a joke, all the better.

I cannot stress how strongly and emphatically I agree with every word in this post.