Autism doesn’t ruin our lives. Having people refuse to accommodate our needs and people deciding to abuse us just because we are autistic ruins our lives.
When we are treated with respect and our needs are listened to and accommodated just as much as the needs of nonautistic people are accommodated, our lives are just as full, happy, and fulfilled as anyone else’s.
We are full, complex, autonomous human beings with our own needs and desires, thoughts and opinions and choices to make, and we can have wonderful lives when the people around us treat us with respect and care.
Sam: *walking about like a cat in booties* oh no… Oh no…
Frodo: *stands up* *immediately falls down*
Merry: you just spend all your time with your feet in… jail? In foot jail?? This is the worst
Pippin: *stomping about* haha Merry look, I’m a human! Get out of my way! I’m in a hurry! Where’s my horse? My name’s Boromir- *trips over laces and goes down hard* ow
Pippin: Merry help I’m stuck Merry *wrenching at shoes* STOP LAUGHING i’M A TOOK WE HAVE WIDE FEET
Merry: why are there so many laces this is so over-complicated
Frodo: *frantically kicking off shoes* nope nope nope nope nope
Gimli: Sam just walk normally
Sam: I don’t know where my feet are!
Gimli: they’re at the ends of your legs lad!
Sam: Mister Frodo help
& while all this is happening literally every other member of the Fellowship losing their gotdamn shit at the sight of a bunch of grown men (+Pippin) unable to figure out how shoes work
Frodo: alright I’m going to try again *stands up* *WHAM* oww
Aragorn: *sobering up* Okay Frodo seriously take those off before you really hurt yourself
Pippin: I suddenly have a new respect for all you shoe-wearing folks
Boromir: Pippin no offence but that is literally one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard anyone say