
once i figure out how to hold a conversation, it’s friendship for you bitches









pokemon trainer saitama would probably like, catch a mew right off the bat and doesnt even realize its a ultra rare legendary.

“dude wtf is that pokemon”

“oh. his name is cheese, he gives me free eggs its pretty awesome”

mew: *uses softboiled*

“free breakfast yeah”

“Do you even know what that is?”

“…a friendly flying cat?”*shrugs*

*frustrated noises* “okay does it even do anything else”

“it lights up sometimes”

*mew uses flash*


*mew transforms into giant dragon*

“oh it does that sometimes”


@asking-ask hun look

“ I kinda like that it’s blue.”

“Holy shit, Saitama, that’s a SHINY Mew.”

“…. What? No, Cheese is blue– get it? hahahaha”

“Oh my god.”

“dude it sparkles”

“yeah i brush him everyday his fur is perfect”


it was to cute i had to draw it

Its so cute and perfect omg


warriormale seems like an actually cool guy but u can really tell people are just trying to gotcha him by asking him about hot button political issues for no reason.

i’d be annoyed as all hell if people came onto my greco-roman homoerotic wrestling page and kept asking me what i thought about stalin or whatever


The fun thing about speculative biology is that there isn’t really an upper limit. It can always get even more horrifying.

Here, I’ll give you an example: you know how in Pokémon lore, Cubone allegedly wears its mother’s skull as a hat?

Some believe that this means Cubones have a fixed and dwindling population, because there’s necessarily at most one offspring per mother.

In fact, no such population limit exists, because Marowak – the adult form of Cubone – possesses a sacrificial “head”. A Marowak’s brain is located in a reinforced compartment within the thoracic cavity; what appears to be the head is actually a limb containing only a simple sensory ganglion, as well as the usual sense organs. The female Marowak sheds this limb shortly after its offspring hatches in order to provide a food source and protective shell for its young. The limb then regrows in a matter of weeks; during this time, the “headless” Marowak is blind and deaf, and must be cared for by its mate.

See? 100% less sad, yet 1000% more gross.