
hear me out: the day of story and song was a giant fucking smackdown between two incredibly powerful bards.

on one hand, we have john. a self-professed motivation speaker who, using only his words, convinced his reality that existence was pointless and peace could only come through destruction. john’s instrument was his voice and through it, he created an entity that destroyed countless hundreds of realities in a fruitless search for satisfaction.

on the other, we have johann. the greatest violinist in the world. an incredibly gifted musician who works for the bureau of balance, who believes so much in the ideals of the director – that the world is worth protecting, worth saving – that he gives over his creations to a jellyfish that deletes it from existence. even though one of johann’s greatest fears is being erased, he recognizes that life is precious, that it’s worth living, and serves the bureau until he dies.

one bard loves existence, and one hates it. one sacrifices his life’s work to preserve it; the other is sucked into his own creation to destroy it.

during the day of story and song, these two ideals clash: destruction versus hope. obliteration versus life. the hunger has descended. darkness surrounds every living being in our plane and the planes beyond. our heroes make their final stand under the weight of hundreds of universes. 

johann is killed at the hands of this other bard. but he’s remembered. thanks to the people he inspired – to magnus, to lucretia – johann is not forgotten. 

and he’s so powerful, he’s so fucking good at what he does, that his final statement, his expression of love and hope and choosing joy and choosing life is broadcasted everywhere. his bardic inspiration touches every single corner of reality. he gives them the hope and courage they need to look destruction in the eye and say “no”. he gives them the strength to fight back.

and with johann’s song in their hearts, the hunger is destroyed.