yo, by the way, don’t buy anything from Fabletics. i just got off the phone with my credit card company, and although i’ve managed to reverse the unauthorized$49.95 they charged me this month, they’ve apparently been doing this since february. let me repeat that, they’ve taken $200 from me and not made it known. all because i bought a pair of on sale leggings a few months back.
so, every few weeks they have a sale. generally a “buy 2 for the price of one if you sign up for free!” sort of thing. like a regular old clothing retailer, you add your items to the cart, say sure, you’ll give them your email address to save your details, and then enter your payment information. then you get your stuff a couple weeks later. but what they don’t mention is this fun little bit of fine print:
yeah, they save your credit card number. and charge it repeatedly. (even more concerningly, i had my old card that i used for the original purchase cancelled a couple months ago after some unauthorized payments started cropping up. i haven’t interacted with Fabletics since, but somehow, they’re charging my new card?)
it should also be noted that they also send out about 4 marketing emails per day, and this is what your “payment notification” looks like.
hint: it’s the middle one. which looks just like a regular promo email.
long story short, they draw you in with a sale, ask you to sign up for an account, and then start quietly charging you $50 a month that you can only get back if you get in touch with them within a couple of days. also, even if you try cancelling over the phone or through a live chat, they’ll hassle you to keep your membership and word everything cryptically.
ah, yeah, and a lot of people are still getting charged after cancelling their memberships. i mean hundreds. and Fabletics refuses to refund their “subscription.” it’s literally a scam.
tl;dr,don’t buy from Fabletics, and if you do, very carefully monitor your credit card bill for months afterwards. don’t be like me and get scammed out of $200 without knowing it. (my card provider is currently contacting Fabletics in an attempt to get that hefty chunk of cash refunded, but who knows if i’ll get it back. probably not.)