
Quick heads up to other partnered Youtube creators and anyone who follows my content.

TDLR: It appears that youtube is running anti-LGBT+ videos as ads before LGBT+ content. One of the people doing this claims it was unintentional but it doesn’t make him less of an asshole. Basically they tagged it as LGBT+ because they are old and dumb. The tagging system is suppose to be used for advertisers to target specific types of videos IE you watch gaming content so here is an ad for a PS4. But it can be abused apparently. So now what?

You don’t have to demonotize your entire channel if you want to stop these ads.

Youtube is really shit at giving partners info so I thought I’d help you out with a image. If you want to block specific ads on your content (as in they will not run on your content and you will not make money from hate speech) then log into your adsense account

follow these steps.

1. Click “allow & block ads”

2. Click “content host”

3. Click “All my sites”

4. Put the names of any of the associated websites

5. click the block URLs button and you are done in 24 hours the ads will stop appearing on your channel.

In step 4 you might notice that you will need the specific ad urls which Youtube won’t give you so you are gonna have to rely on going and finding them yourself. Remember that it is against youtube adsense policy to specifically load ads on your own videos so you are gonna have to look at other channels (or just use the 3 I blocked in the image).

This is the part where I need to apologize. If you have ever seen that kinda shit before one of my videos I am very sorry. It is not my intent or my aim to make money from hate speech. As far as I can tell I don’t think my channel ran any of these since my content is gaming and art related (so the ads are all lessons on how to learn to draw or up coming games) but I’m taking this precaution on the off chance that I am wrong. If however you do see an ad for this kind of bullshit run on one of my videos please let me know in a DM and I will add it to my list. Assuming Youtube works as intended (which is assuming a lot really) it will not show again.

If you are not a creator and want to help:

1. please link this to creators that you watch so it doesn’t show up on their stuff (this apparently is more important for LGBT+ creators to do for the above given reasons)

2. Let me know if you see these kinds of ads on my videos or anyone else’s so I can black list the ads. A screen shot of the ad itself is super helpful in finding the source without clicking the links. Send screenshots like that via the submission feature here on tumblr.

3. Tell Youtube that you aren’t ok with this kind of behavior directly. Message @teamyoutube or @youtube on twitter and be as calm and professional as you can be while telling them to stop being such dickheads. Youtube generally only reacts to major public outcry or if the advertisers get scared.