Reblog and have a Happy Hitler Is Dead but My Queer Jewish Mixed Race Ass Is Alive Day
For the people who don’t speak German: lord-kitschener said “Die angry then”
queer jewish people, Judaism does not believe in jesus therefore the religion would not allow the ‘abomination’ of being homosexual because it is in their long list of many things one is not allowed to do.
Note that the bible also lists eating unclean beasts as an abomination as well.
Please explain more about this “bible,” the “abominations” we are not allowed to do, and what believing or not believing in Jesus has to do with ANYTHING.
Jewish people do not believe in christ, they must in turn follow rules which god has set in order to get into heaven because they cannot receive salvation in Jesus christ, i understand, Judaism and being Jewish are two different things. And, im trying to be friendly here, i understand, but i’m not christian nor am i apart of judaism, but i study these religions out of respect to those who’s lives are poured into them.
Look im not in the mood to get in a heated angry argument because as i’ve said im attempting to be civil and kind and enjoy life. Im just saying it’s a contradiction to say Queer Jew because Judaism litteraly has a rule against anything other than Heterosexuality.
There is, in no way hostility here, just a calm and placid statement of facts i’ve learn, if i have misinformation, please just tell me, don’t be a hostile, sarcastic jerk about it just because you came into my post expecting me to be ignorant and unwilling to learn because that right there is stereotyping and its wrong. You need to be civil, if you respond to THIS with hostility, i will ignore you, and i will not care if you go to your followers and try to make me look like a dumb shit because i don’t care about some random strangers rudeness.
I will try not to respond with any hostility, but I want you to realize that you were the who claimed that our religion and way of life is fundamentally incompatible with being LGBTQ. And then you explained Judaism incorrectly and with false authority, later described as a “claim and placid statement of facts.” How is that being respectful, as you claim to be, to “those who’s [sic] lives are poured into them”? If you think you are being civil and not rude as you have ordered me to be, I’m not sure what to tell you.
Here you go:
There is no one way to practice Judaism. We are a diasporic people who have had to adapt to different cultures and societies for at least 2000 years. Saying that Judaism has an absolute and self-contained rule or mitzvot against or for anything shows one is coming at it from a narrow and uneducated view (this goes for anyone Jewish or gentile).
You’re explaining what Judaism is by the rules and theology of a different religion, namely Christianity. What does believing whether Jesus was or was not the messiah have to do with Judaism? Judaism doesn’t have a concept of salvation, because we don’t believe in original sin. Original sin is a Christian belief, not a religious belief. We don’t need to be saved, either by Jesus or by following our rules.
In Judaism, there’s no inherent evil or eternal damnation. We all have yetzer hara and yetzer hatov; an evil inclination and a good inclination. Both are necessary and natural. Because we have free will, we freely choose between both of them. Nothing compels or tempts us to make a choice, we choose freely. You may not be a Christian, but you’re looking at Judaism through a Christian normative lens. That is displaying ignorance about Judaism.
By the “rules which god has set to get into heaven” do you mean Halacha? Because that’s not what Halacha is. Judaism doesn’t have a set concept of heaven. Halacha, similar to sharia in Islam, is the religious law of how a Jewish person is supposed to behave throughout life. It’s made up of mitzvot or commandments, which we are obligated to follow. Different movements and different communities have different interpretations of Halacha, along with different minhagim or community customs. Even within different movements and communities, there is a diversity of interpretations. We are expected to wrestle and argue about it; we are B’nei Yisrael, or the children of Israel where “Israel” is one who struggles with G-D.
Not obeying a commandment does not mean you are damned to hell or have “sinned.” As I said above, Judaism doesn’t have a concept of eternal damnation. It’s expected that people will make mistakes or errors because no one is perfect. Being imperfect is the natural state of humanity. In Hebrew, the word for an unintentional sin is cheit meaning to miss the mark or stumble (off the path of Halacha). Everyone can do teshuvah by making amends, learning from your actions, and returning to the path of fulfilling our obligations and following Halacha. It involves, amonst other things, correcting the mistake to the best of your ability and to learn from the mistake.
“Abomination” is a bad translation of the Hebrew word toevah.
“The remaining philological problem is the word toevah, usually
translated as “abomination.” The word in the Hebrew Bible is used
in different contexts to mean different things. It appears first in
Genesis when Joseph invites his brothers to dine with him, and we
are told that the Egyptians do not eat with Hebrews because doing
so is hateful (toevah) to them. It is clear from this context that the
idea of toevah is not unique to Hebrews. Every people has its own list
of things that it finds contaminating or distasteful.”
– Wrestling With God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition, Rabbi Steven Greenberg (Rabbi Steven Greenberg is a gay Jewish Modern Orthodox Rabbi.)
And distasteful and contaminating don’t have negative meaning in this explanation. It’s more of a “we do things this way and they do things that way” without putting a value judgment upon it.
The fact that treyf food (non-kosher) is also referred to as toevah points to the word meaning different things in different contexts.
Specifically, the mitzvah you’re referring to prohibits the action of a cis man sexually penetrating another cis man anally. It’s not a prohibition against “anything other than Heterosexuality.” Neither any other sexual act is specifically prohibited nor any sexual act between two (cis) women. One of Rabbi Greenberg’s theories, stemming from the fact that only this specific sexual act is prohibited, is that the reason it was made into an explicit prohibition was because it was avodah zara or pagan idolatrous ritual. The theory is that the intent was to prevent Jews from “copying the gentiles” because that way led to idolatry and therefore unethical behavior. (Idolatory and unethical behavior are linked in Judaism.) Another theory Rabbi Greenberg expounds upon is that the prohibition is specifically against penetrating a (cis) man to humiliate him because that (the humiliation) is abhorrent. Here toevah is translated to abhorrent. It’s a prohibition against rape.
You don’t have to be Jewish, but don’t tell people who are what their religion and culture does not say about their validity and basic dignity. You’re asking me to be respectful, you should reciprocate. Especially when you’re explaining their religion and the basic precepts thereof completely incorrectly.
If you have any other questions about Judaism, I’ll be happy to try to answer. After a long day, full of trying to remember to follow the mitzvot of saying the brachot (blessings) over my food and not being able to eat a piece of chocolate after my chicken dinner because I observe kashrut and don’t mix dairy and meat, I’m going to sleep.
I’m going to reblog knowing that there are a few typos above that will likely get fixed tomorrow. Namely, that there are forms of Orthodox Judaism that see homosexuality as forbidden, but none that would say the same of heterosexuality.
That said, it is the height of presumption to explain Judaism to actual Jewish people and then complain when we don’t…what, agree? Give you accolades for your astute observation?
Wait… HAH!!!
OKAY BUT… I am (unintentionally) HILARIOUS. Now I’m picturing a frum community just…only with LGBTQ couples and I am IN LOVE.
I’ve seen compelling arguments that the intended referent was temple prostitution, which was a practice other nearby people had. But mostly reblogging for this lovely long detailed thing, with that one lovely typo. That said, having watched Jewish people arguing over what is or isn’t prohibited, I cannot rule out the notion that there exists a form of Orthodox Judaism which regards heterosexuality as being “absolutely and completely forbidden”. I mean, sure, it seems weird, but maybe they had a really fucking amazing rabbi who won the argument on a dare.