













TIL: Jennifer Lawrence dropped out of middle school and holds neither a high school diploma nor a GED.


It shows

Like. Why do we hate her exactly? Is it bc she likes attention just like the rest of u losers or?

Because she rubbed her ass on sacred rocks in hawaii, knowing they were sacred, and laughed about it on national tv.

She knew they were sacred and was aware that you are not supposed to sit on them because it’s disrespectful.

“Waving a glass of white wine and at times unable to speak due to laughter, Lawrence said, “one rock that I was butt-scratchin’ on came loose”, prompting a landslide.

“And all the Hawaiians were like: ‘Oh my god, it’s the curse!’” she said, imitating shaking her first at the sky. “And I’m in the corner going, I’m your curse. I wedged it loose with my ass.””

I thought it was because she’s a shitty actress with horrible public opinions and that rock almost killed a guy and damaged the movie equipment.

Yeah that too. It’s all of that.

The thing that really stands out to me is how visibly uncomfortable Chris Pratt was while she was telling the story.

Like he wanted SO BAD to call her out but didn’t want to make a scene on a major interview.

The way he balled up his fist lol his knuckles were white with rage

AFIAK Chris Pratt is a deeply religious Christian so it makes perfect sense he’d be deeply offended by a culture’s sacred ground being disrespected and damaged.

He can empathize first hand with how important holy objects and ground are to religious cultures. 

You don’t have to be religious to understand why what she did was so shitty. Even if that site had no spiritual connotations, even if it was just a bunch of meaningless boulders, what she did was inexcusable. If someone was in my house and rubbed their ass over my lamp, I would kick them out. 

Also I think he lived in Hawaii while he was homeless, which only makes it worse because she was technically also being disrespectful to him.

she also ridiculed a venezuelan reporter, Juan Pablo Fernandez-Feo, who was using his phone to record her answers to his questions

Thank you all for understanding. As a Hawaiian, our land is the most precious thing to us. The rocks were a haiau, a burial site for someone’s ancestors. The fact that she did that doesn’t just insult the culture, it’s insulting the person or people that were buried under those rocks. The Hawaiians put their land above themselves, our state motto is “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono”, which means “the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.” our land is our life source, if something changes then we all change as a culture. Where I’m going with this is that, the land in Hawaii, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest mountain, is a apart of who we are. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk

So well said. And fuck Jennifer Lawrence.

Remember when Chris Pratt kept cropping her out of photos? Good times