
I need to send you this relic of the Old Internet- inky caps growing from a bath towel. That towel was so dirty, that when it was nice and moist after a good re-use for god knows what in a teenager’s bathroom, it was quickly colonized and fruited upon. (submitted by @cultivating-echo)

*academic voice* theres a lot to unpack here

this image has such a charged energy i literally cant believe this like look at this shit. like lets break this down. the two mushrooms, in comparison to the apparent size of the towel and the clothing piles around it, are fucking massive. like literally i have never seen a mushroom that tall outside of textbooks and never in my life would i think that i would see mushrooms, like real ass basidiomycetes that size, growing on a fucking bath towel. also, there are TWO of them. this means that these two fungi growing on the towel were like this is too good of an opportunity to pass up we gotta put up TWO sex organs. the shaky camera/slight blur of this makes it looks like a screenshot from a mid-2000s indie slenderman film like u find a flash drive on the street and this is the only image on it and seven days later u wake up and theres a mushroom sprouted ominously in the middle of ur room with a knife taped to it. also i cannot for the life of me figure out how this could have happened like do u know how little. just like how LITTLE we know about how to grow mushrooms. we know NOTHING. the commercial industry funnels SO much money into research and STILL for like 80% of mushroom species (the kind of mushrooms you have on pizza are a notable exception), we do not know how to make commercial farms for them. people put their lives into trying to create the most perfect conditions in which to sprout mushrooms and they just. they do not care at all. this image resonates with me so much because it carries such a strong message about the nature of mushrooms like the sheer nihilism of this image is absolutely astounding like people are really out there with like state of the art equipment and its just like ‘fuck you i shall grow upon this filthy towel you peasants, you fools, you absolute buffoons. you are but ozymandias in the desert compared to me. fetchith me the axe body spray, knave’