









i dont care if u never listen to me ever again just let me be ur internet dad for just one second: dont start cutting yourselves please ever

ok im gonna reblog this again bc i want more ppl to see it?? ive compiled a (by no means complete) list of the things u can expect if u start:

– u cant stop. its a legitimate addiction. there is no ‘seeing what its like’. its soso hard to stop it and believe me, because that was me. i thought i would sate my curiosity but all i did was make my life miserable
– everything can become a trigger. someone carved things in a table?? trigger. u get a scratch by accident?? trigger. see something sharp?? yup. 
– the scars dont go away and if people see them (and no matter how hard you try, people will see them) they get this awful fucking look on their face like a mixture of disgust and horror and pity 
– u have to sit through people making shitty fucking jokes and calling people like you (real, struggling people like you) edgy emos looking for attention and it makes you feel sick but you have to sit there silently
– in fact, any conversation about self harm becomes thoroughly uncomfortable because they’ll talk about it like no one in the room has ever gone through it (or, if they know, they’ll glance at you out the corner of their eye when they think you cant see)
– any emotion can give you the urges- not just negative. ur body associates the happy feeling with the pain so ur brain is like ‘????? u cant have one without the other??’ 
– it can have been years. years. you can have stopped and got better and you’ll still feel the urge to hurt yourself and it makes you feel like you haven’t improved at all and you’re still fourteen and hating yourself
– (maybe this is just me) but some part of you misses it?? you stopped and you know its horrific but its so difficult to get rid of your blades or whatever you use because you feel so weirdly attached to these things that are so awful and you dont even know why 

god damn i just want yall to understand that you dont have to hurt yourself ever, okay?? just. don’t. trust me.

I will reblog this every single day.

Its a bit too late for me, but not for someone else. Please don’t do it. Its a dumb thing to do and you will regret it.

I will never hesitate to reblog this

This is why I promised myself I’d never self harm. This post, right here. I hope it helps others make the same promise.

seriously, if you’re thinking of starting…don’t.

Hey hey i have done serious, possibly irreversible nerve damage in my arms that causes my scars to hurt and my hands to occasionally go numb. The cause? I went so deep. So maybe you’re thinking “well i won’t go that deep. I don’t want to kill myself with it” except it doesn’t work like that. I started shallow. I started minor. Like cat scratches. But as others have pointed out, it is a legitimate addiction. And with addiction, you build tolerance. You will go deeper. It will get worse. Don’t start.

It’s too late for me, but I don’t want it to be too late for my friends. @nickelroo @the-rice-cat @kidonion @transmedical-boy @cakeace @bubblegumtruscum @tranny-levi @too-easy-being-green @how-to-tucute @itz-sonny-d @launch-me-into-the-void @theartsyskeleton

Some of these people aren’t even my mutuals, but I still want them to see this. Some of these people have undoubtedly already started. I still want my friends to see this.

For any of our younger followers or even older followers, please never start.

– Mod uwu

this goes for other forms of self harm, like biting and bruising yourself on purpose. it’s a slippery slope that’s extremely hard to climb out of. 

that being said, it’s not always a conscious/memorable decision that starts self harm. the first time i chewed my hand up i literally blacked out and still don’t remember how it started, but it started, and it was really hard to stop. if you black out and wake up having harmed yourself in any way, seek help sooner rather than later, it’s not a fluke.